Emílio Simões Apps

Codex 2.1.2
Emílio Simões
Codex is a book manager application that helpsyou manage and catalog your books library. All you have to do isscan the book ISBN and the book information is downloaded from theweb.You can organize your books, manage your book loans and even createa book wish list to help you find the best prices for the books youwish to buy and remember where you found them.Share books with your friend with a simple text message to peoplein your contacts. Codex will get all the information your friendsneed about the book.All book information can be downloaded from the Internet, includingthe book cover. If a cover is not available you can pick an imagefrom your phone library to use has the book cover or take a pictureof the book.Codex also supports multiple languages with English, Portuguese,Polish and French translations.With Codex you can:* Add books to the list simply by scanning the book ISBN. The bookdata will be downloaded from the Internet.* Add a book by typing the ISBN. If an ISBN barcode is notavailable is always possible to type the ISBN manually.* Add a book by typing the book information. If the book has nobarcode or is not possible to find the book information on the webthe book data can be typed manually.* Manage your loaned books. Each time you loan a book Codex helpsyou remember, allowing you to mark that book have loaned andsetting the person you loaned it to from your contacts.* Create a wish list with the books you wish to buy. Add a book youdon't have and the store you found it. Each book can have multiplestores so that you can compare prices and choose the bestprice.* Remember the location of the store where you found the books inthe wish list. If you don't know the address Codex can get the GPSlocation for you.* Filter your book by author, publisher or category.* Easily find books in your wish list or books that you'veloaned.* Pick an image from your phone image library to use has a bookcover. If you don't have an image from the cover just take apicture of it.* Want to share this book with a friend? Just recommend the book.With Codex you can recommend a book with a simple SMS message. Ifyour friend also has Codex in his phone Codex will get all the bookinformation your friend needs.* Multilanguage support with English, Portuguese and French.* Importing and exporting book to CSV and XML so that they can besynchronized between devices.* Search the books collection to easily find the correctbook.* When you lent a book you can set a due date and Codex willremember you when the due date is met. Codex will maintain a loanhistory for each book so that you know to whom you have lent itto.Codex is free, you can use it without any restrictions for aslong has you want. If you have any suggestions please feel free tocontact the developer's team at codex.android@gmail.comKeywords: codex book manager catalog library organize loanwishlist contact message cover photo image scan barcode books ebookaddress gps location recommend phone sms store isbn friends sharefree online web internet read language export import cvs xml excelsearch